Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 11 - weddings, cattails and back to the freeway

Its day 11 of our fabulous vacation. I woke at 8 this am to find Monica already gone to help her sister, Marsha, with the catering for the wedding reception. So Monica spent the morning playing sous chef to her sister while I had a lazy morning. At noon we headed to the park for the wedding reception (party). I hadn't been clued in on the details but the party was on the banks of the Platte River. While Monica did the family thing I took a walk along the river. The river level was up and the flow was moving along at a good pace. The river looked perfect for floating along in a canoe - but I didn't have one so I just walked along and enjoyed the breeze and the sounds of water flowing. I took pictures of the river, cottonwoods and cattails. I didn't walk too far, just up to a bluff overlooking the river where the view prompted today's vacation sidebar on trailer parks. After my walk I did go back and do the social thing while enjoying some of the yummy eats provided by Monica's sister. We were sitting there chatting when I saw the inconcievable - a seagull sitting on the lamppost! I thought I had already established that seagulls belong next to the sea! not on the prairie! We left soon after that and got back on the freeway heading south to Cheyenne. The first portion of the drive included more prairie. We did get a better view of that wind turbine farm and it was really large... very encouraging. Antelopes in small family groups contined to be the only wildlife on the horizon. As we closed in on Cheyenne the skies were darker and darker until they finally opened up and the rain began to fall. Just as we pulled out on our exit it turned into a deluge - yea! Fortunately there was an Outback across the parking lot from the hotel so we did not need to get lost in Cheyenne in the rain. Another great day of vacation.

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